If you’ve been thinking of buying your first motorcycle, you’re probably eager to learn how to ride. This is a thrilling and rewarding experience. Not only will you be able to enjoy your bike to the fullest once you know how to ride, but you’ll also have fun while you do it and benefit from the fuel efficiency. These perks are great, but riding a motorcycle can be an extremely dangerous activity if you don’t know what you’re doing. There’s nothing more hazardous than an uneducated rider on the road.

Nielsen Enterprises is here to help. We’ve gathered some essential tips for beginner riders. If you have additional questions or want to check out our selection of motorcycles, visit our dealership today!

Invest in Proper Gear

As you’re learning to ride a motorcycle, you’ll notice that you need specific pieces of gear for the road. First and foremost, you need to wear a helmet so you’re protected from head injuries in the event of a fall or crash. Other parts of your body need protection as well. A proper pair of riding pants and a riding jacket will serve you well. You’ll be protected from road rash should you take a spill.

As a beginner, you should protect yourself as well as possible, so invest in a good pair of riding gloves and boots. Many new riders also choose to invest in earplugs for protection from the loud sounds that a motorcycle emits. The more protection you invest in for your ride, the safer you’ll be on the road.

Practice Makes Perfect

Your first bike ride might not be very smooth, but that’s expected. Find an empty parking lot and get familiar with your motorcycle. You should practice stopping by squeezing your brakes with a little more force each time until you’re familiar with maximum braking. It will take time to get used to the front brake contributing to a faster stop than the rear one does.

Keep Up with Regular Maintenance

Lastly, don’t neglect your motorcycle’s maintenance needs. After all, this is a hard-working machine that requires attention to make sure it continues working correctly. Always perform a pre-ride inspection before you hit the road. You’ll want to look out for things like the tire tread, chain, fuel and oil levels, turn signals, and brake lights. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, take your bike in for service. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to motorcycle maintenance.

If you’re in the market for a motorcycle, feel free to stop by Nielsen Enterprises in Lake Villa, IL, to check out what we’ve got in stock. We welcome all our patrons visiting us from Chicago, IL, and Milwaukee, WI.